Blickfang Stuttgart
16./17./18. März 2018

Atelier Ring und Rabe

Stockdagen Arnhem
“Design aus Düsseldorf”

Blickfang Stuttgart

Perfect Strangers
Munich Jewellery Week
5.-12-03.17 24 hour window display

Atelier Ring und Rabe
10.09.16 14-20 Uhr
11.09.16 12-18 Uhr

Atelier Ring und Rabe
29.5.16, 12-18 Uhr

Deichtorhallen, Hamburg

Atelier Ring und Rabe
17.05.2015, 12-18Uhr
Bilker Allee 178, Düsseldorf

Portrait me @ Lange Nacht der Museen 2015,
19-24 Uhr,
Hetjens Museum, Schulstr.4, Düsseldorf

Atelier Ring und Rabe
Bilker Allee 178, Düsseldorf

Homemade Winterbazar Boui Boui Bilk
29.&30. 11.2014


Exhibition at Galerie Cebra
10.07. bis 27.08.2014

“Portrait me” at the Biblioteca della Moda, Milan,
Opening April the 8th, at 7 p.m.

Workshop “Paper Heroes” 10th until 13th February 2014
University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf

“Portrait me” at
VICENZAORO, Vicenza, Italy
18th until 23rd January 2014

“Portrait me” at
Museum of Arts and Design,NYC
16th October 2013 until 6th July 2014

“Portrait me” at
Sciencity Düsseldorf – Nacht der Wissenschaften
27th September 2013,
Museum Kunstpalast, Ehrenhof 4-5, Düsseldorf

open studio
Visit us at schmuckpunkte
7th and 8th September,
Weberstr. 26, Düsseldorf, Germany

Quite Quirky
1st June – 31st July 2013,
Diana Porter, Bristol, UK

Exhibition at Galerie Hermsen, Wiesbaden

01.12.2012- 13.01.2013
“Portrait me” in the Jewel Book 12/13,
and in the attendant exhibition in Mons, Belgium

27.-30. 11.2012
“Melt” and “Gown Sketch” shown at Euromold, Frankfurt

November 2012
Sieraad Art Fair
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

“Portrait me” at the 3DPrintshow in London

Opening of the jubilee exhibition at Gallery Cebra, Düsseldorf

24.-28. August 2012
Visit me at the “Talents”, area for fresh talents at the Tendence in Frankfurt
Carat , hall 9.3, A70

May 2012
Honorable mention for “Portrait me” at “Ritual”, Silver festival, Legnica, Poland

March 2012
“Portrait me” selected for TALENTE 2012 HWK, Munich, Germany

December 2011/
January 2012
Group exhibition, Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf, Germany

December 2011
Group exhibition, H-Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

November 2011
“Portrait me” at Sieraad, Amsterdam

May 2011
“Neun”, group exhibition at V&V, Vienna, Austria